Hibakusha Worldwide Interactive Map

An interactive map on health and environmental issues related to the nuclear chain

Renting the exhibition

If your event is in Europe, please write an email to kontakt[at]ippnw.de, IPPNW office, Berlin, for more information about the touring poster exhibition schedule. Fee: 25 Euro & postage and packing.

For other countries, please contact Aki Morizono, amorizono[at]ippnw.org at the IPPNW-Central Office who can point you to the files to print posters locally. Fee: 25 USD plus shipping and handling.

How much space do you need?

The 52 posters are in A1 format (59.4 x 84.1 cm or 23.4 × 33.1 in). The World Map is 3 x 1.5 m (9.8 x 4.9 ft). Posters and map are made of durable white tarpaulin and have eyelets for hanging. On smooth surfaces, power strips can also be used. For each poster, you should plan about 70-80 cm (27-31 in) width, if you want to leave space on both sides. It is possible to display the entire poster exhibition, or just parts of it (e.g. just concerning a specific topic like uranium mining or nuclear testing).

Do it yourself

You could also print the posters yourself. We recommend printing them at least in A3 format for a legible font size. Please ask us for the link where you can download all posters as PDF-Files.


Download exhibition guide